
NPT achieves 2000 days of zero lost time incidents

Nova Pangaea Technologies (NPT) has achieved 2000 days of zero lost time incidents on site, which is an exceptional health and safety record. This noteworthy achievement emphasises the safety culture of NPT and how it is at the forefront of all decision-making with stringent measures put in place by the company. Our employees recognise and adhere to a safe working environment and are greatly supportive of each other’s safety. We are committed to maintaining a safe working environment, and welcomed Jon Holliday this year in the dedicated role of Health, Safety and Environmental Manager. Congratulations to the NPT team for this accomplishment.

Sarah Ellerby, CEO, comments, “At NPT we collectively ensure safety is our top priority with the welfare of our employees being centric in all we do. Achieving 2000 days of LTI is a significant milestone and one which we are very proud of. It reflects our culture, values and ethos as a company as we deliver our First of a Kind facility, and as part of Project Speedbird, providing a decarbonisation solution to aviation.”