
Newton Fund Grant awarded to Nova Pangaea Technologies-led Consortium

“Valorising Waste from Sugar Cane Industries via Innovations in Pre-treatment, Bioproduction and Process Intensification”

A consortium led by NPT was successful in winning this prestigious grant. The grant covers a three-year project commencing 1st August 2018 with a total value for NPT’s portion of £625,000. 70% of this will come from the Newton Fund via InnovateUK.

The Vasantdada Sugar Institute is India lead for the consortium. From their website:

“Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), formerly known as Deccan Sugar Institute, is an autonomous body which is a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. Established in the year 1975 by the sugarcane grower members of cooperative sugar factories in the State of Maharashtra, it is the only organisation of its kind in the world. The Institute performs, under one umbrella, all scientific-technical and educational functions relevant to the sugar industry.”

The institute has as members more than 140 sugar mills and more than 70 distilleries. Dhampur Sugar Mills, with five sugar mills, is a key member of our consortium and will supply chopped bagasse for the project. The current product targets include xylitol, lactic acid, succinic acid and butanol from bagasse.

NPT is delighted that their technology has been regarded as pivotal for this project, chosen from all other second-generation technologies available.